Page 35 - Cerraduras Schlage
P. 35

Schlage                                 Keypad Deadbolts & B Series Bolts

                                                                       Keypad Deadbolts

                                                                    •  Pre-set  with  random  6-digit  • Rugged chassis and escutcheons
                                                                      programming code to add and   with vandal resistant free-spin-
                                                                      delete user codes, and two ran-  ning deadbolt turn
                                                                      dom 4-digit user codes  •  Silicone  rubber,  wear-resistant
                                                                    •  19  user  code  capacity;  10,000   buttons  with  blue  LED  back-
                                                                      user  code  combinations  avail-  light
                                                                      able                  •  Patented  commercial  grade
       Schlage                                                      •  Warning  sounds  after  four  in-  clutching motor drive tested to
                                                                                              one million cycles
                                                                      correct codes entered; keypad
                                                                      disabled for 30 seconds  •  Backset:  Fits  2-3/8˝  to  2-3/4˝
                                                    BE365PLY619     •  Turn-Lock  feature  allows  the   backsets  with  Triple-Option™
                   BE365CAM505                                        user to lock and leave without   of square corner, radius corner
                                                                      a key or code entered   and circular drive-in faceplates.
                Mfg #     Design     Finish    EZ #                 • Mechanical key override. Cylin- • Door Range: 1-3/8˝ to 1-3/4˝
             BE365CAM505  Camelot  Lifetime Brass  087154             der  is  5-pin  solid  brass  C  key- • Certification: ANSI A156.5-2001
             BE365CAM619  Camelot  Satin Nickle  087155               way.                    Grade 2 auxiliary locks,
             BE365CAM626  Camelot  Satin Chrome  087156             • 9-volt battery included. Average
                                                                      three-year battery life
             BE365PLY505  Plymouth  Lifetime Brass  087151
             BE365PLY619  Plymouth  Satin Nickle  087152
             BE365PLY626  Plymouth  Satin Chrome  087153      B Series Bolts                     12 100
                                                                                                 12 103
           Mfg #         Type        Backset     Face     Diameter    Finish      Series    EZ #
         12 100 605  Deadlatch      2-3/8”    1-1/8” x 2-1/4” 1”   Polished Brass  B250    012712
         12 100 626  Deadlatch      2-3/8”    1-1/8” x 2-1/4” 1”   Satin Chrome  B250      027557
         12 103 605  Deadlatch      2-3/4”    1-1/8” x 2-1/4” 1”   Polished Brass  B250    012713   12 239
         12 103 626  Deadlatch      2-3/4”    1-1/8” x 2-1/4” 1”   Satin Chrome  B250      012714
         12 224 626  Bolt           5”        1-1/8” x 2-1/4” 7/8”  Satin Chrome  B100, H Series  037105
         12 239 626  Drive-in Bolt  2-3/8”               1”        Satin Chrome  B100, H Series  012731  12 268
         12 268 626  Drive-in Bolt  Adjustable           1”        Satin Chrome  BC100     073844
         12 274 605  Bolt           Adjustable  1” x 2-1/4”  7/8”  Polished Brass  BC100   073436
         12 274 612  Bolt           Adjustable  1” x 2-1/4”  7/8”  Satin Bronze  BC100     077908    12 274
         12 274 626  Bolt           Adjustable  1” x 2-1/4”  7/8”  Satin Chrome  BC100     073437
         12 291 605  Bolt           Adjustable  1-1/8” x 2-1/4” 1”  Polished Brass  B500   100117
         12 291 626  Bolt           Adjustable  1-1/8” x 2-1/4” 1”  Satin Stainless  B500  100116
                                                                                                      12 630
         12 630 605  Bolt           2-3/8”    1-1/8” x 2-1/4” 1”   Polished Brass  B600, 700, 800  031032  12 631
         12 630 626  Bolt           2-3/8”    1-1/8” x 2-1/4” 1”   Satin Chrome  B600, 700, 800  031033
         12 631 605  Bolt           2-3/4”    1-1/8” x 2-1/4” 1”   Polished Brass  B600, 700, 800  031030
         12 631 626  Bolt           2-3/4”    1-1/8” x 2-1/4” 1”   Satin Chrome  B600, 700, 800  031031  12 640
         12 633 626  Bolt           5”        1-1/8” x 2-1/4” 1”   Satin Chrome  B600, 700, 800  039548  12 641
         12 640 626  Drive-in Bolt  2-3/8”               1-1/8”    Satin Chrome  B600, 700, 800  031034
         12 641 626  Drive-in Bolt  2-3/4”               1-1/8”    Satin Chrome  B600, 700, 800  031035
         10 064    Drive-In Thimble Strike               1-3/8”    Zinc        All         012667      10-064

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