Page 8 - Herrajes Patricios - Best 8K
P. 8

Special Functions

                                  Description                 Outside Lever                     Inside Lever
           Function & Diag.   Latch operated by   Locked by          Unlocked by        Locked by    Unlocked by
           (ANSI No.)
           Electrically Locked (DEL)  • Rotating the inside knob,  Applying 24 Volts DC;   Switching off 24 Volts DC  Cannot be locked  Always unlocked
                            •  Rotating the outside knob only   the outside knob remains
                             when power is off,   locked only while power
                            •  Turning the key in the outside   is on

                            NOTE: Locks are powered by 24 Volts DC and 0.18 Amps, continuous duty.
           Electrically Unlocked (DEU)  • Rotating the inside knob,   Switching off 24 Volts DC  Applying 24 Volts DC; the   Cannot be locked  Always unlocked
                            •  Rotating the outside knob only        outside knob  remains
                             when power is on,                       unlocked only while power
                            •  Turning the key in the outside        is on

                            NOTE: Locks are powered by 24 Volts DC and 0.18 Amps, continuous duty.
           Special functions
           Dormitory or Storeroom   • Rotating the inside knob,  Turning the inside button  Turning the inside button  Cannot be locked  Always unlocked
           (A) F81          •  Rotating the outside knob only
                             when inside turn button is in
                             unlocked position,
                            •  Turning the key in the outside
                            NOTE: Turn button must be manually rotated to unlock the outside knob.
           Office (B) F82   • Rotating the inside knob,    • Pushing the inside button   Turning the key in the  Cannot be locked  Always unlocked
                            •  Rotating the outside knob   outside knob,
                             only when inside push button   • Rotating the inside knob
                             is out,
                            •  Turning the key in the outside
                            NOTE: Push button is released by turning the key in the outside knob, OR rotating the inside knob. Closing the door does not release the push
           Closet or Storeroom (DZ)  •  Turning the key in the outside   Always locked    Cannot be unlocked    Closet turn knob   Closet turn knob
                             knob,                                                      cannot be locked  always unlocked
                            •  Turning the inside closet turn

           Entrance or Office (EA)  • Rotating the inside knob,   • Pushing inside button,  •  Turning the key in the   Cannot be locked  Always unlocked
                            •  Rotating the outside knob   •  Pushing and turning the   outside knob*,
                             only when inside push button   inside button (Turning   • Rotating the inside knob*,
                             is out,               slotted button keeps the   • Closing the door*
                            •  Turning the key in the outside   outside knob locked until
                             knob                  the button is turned back
                            *Only when slotted button depressed and not turned.
           Closet or Storeroom (RZ)  •  Turning the key in the outside   Turning the key in the   Turning the key in the outside  Closet turn knob   Closet turn knob
                             knob,                outside knob       knob               cannot be locked  always unlocked
                            •  Turning the inside closet turn
                            •  Turning the outside knob
                             when unlocked by key
           Special*  (XD)   •  Turning the key in the inside   Always locked  Cannot be unlocked  Always locked  Cannot be unlocked

          *ATTENTION: Locksets that secure both sides of the door are con trolled by building codes and the Life Safety Code. In an emergency exit situation, failure to
          quickly unlock the inside knob could be hazardous or even fatal.

            8          8K Series Heavy Duty Cylindrical Locks – Knobs
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